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Deb’s products were developed based on her 20+ years of experience in the field and are designed to help all types of organizations — corporate, nonprofit, government — create and maintain cultures where diversity is prized and inclusion is the norm. These are the kinds of practical, just-in-time tools she wished were available when she was the Chief Diversity Officer of a Fortune 100 company.


Accommodating People with Disabilities
A Guide for Employers

Includes detailed procedures, sample forms and templates. Comes with 3 hours of phone consultation with Deb to support your customization and utilization.

Word format | Standard Licensing Fee: $7,500

Hiring and Including People with Disabilities
A Guide for Hiring Managers

Includes tips and tools for people managers to build skills and confidence in hiring and developing people with both apparent and non-apparent disabilities. Comes with 2 hours of phone consultation with Deb.

PDF format | Standard Licensing Fee: $3,000

The VOICE© Program
Facilitation Guides & Resources

The program comes with 3 hours of phone consultation with Deb and includes:

  • VOICE Training Video (Watch a preview)
  • Facilitator Guide with 3 customized dialogue sessions for different groups:
  1. Human Resources
  2. Intact Teams/Individual Contributors
  3. Employee Resource Group Leaders
  • Participant Journal
  • Appendix: Critical resource information for dialogue and follow up

PDF format | Standard Licensing Fee: $10,000

Employee Resource Group Guidebook
Operating Guidelines

Includes extensive how-to handbook with sample forms and templates. Comes with 2 hours of phone consultation with Deb to support your customization and utilization.

Word format | Standard Licensing Fee: $7,500

All products can be customized to fit the needs of your organization and utilizing your branding. For more information contact Deb directly at debdagit@gmail.com or 908 319-4793.

Testimonials are available from clients who have leveraged these products in their D&I efforts.


pinsAlly Emblems
Ally lapel pins and magnets let others know that you’re an ally in the workplace for people with disabilities. The Ally card provides helpful language for answering questions about the Kokopelli Ally symbol.




What they're saying

  • “We engaged Deb to provide consulting support for our HR team inclusive of a variety of diversity and inclusion topics and events. Deb continues to be responsive to our needs, consistently offering helpful and practical tools and resources. One program that we are particularly proud of at Northrop Grumman, as an early adopter, is Deb’s disability ally ‘VOICE’ presentation. We videotaped Deb’s presentation, and it was webcasted across the enterprise to foster inclusion for people with disabilities, and enhance the likelihood that people with disabilities will self-identify and ask for accommodations if needed. I appreciated this innovative approach which draws on lessons learned from successful LGBT inclusion strategies.”

    Sylvester Mendoza, Director of Global Inclusion & Strategic Alliances Northrop Grumman