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Profiles in Diversity Journal
An online resource for diversity best practices, insights and information for all sectors and industries.

Diversity Executive Magazine
Online and print resource for profiles and insights for Chief Diversity Officers.

Working Mother Media
Publications, research, conferences, surveys and awards. Includes annual conference for Employee Resource Groups, recognition of top companies for female executives and working mothers, and membership based Diversity Best Practices service.

DiversityInc is best known for ranking Top 50 companies for diversity and inclusion, using detailed survey instrument. The company publishes a magazine, hosts conferences twice a year, and offers a benchmarking service.


What they're saying

  • “Deb’s depth of thinking about all the issues/challenges of our profession, blending with her high degree of tolerance for all people, and ability to meet them where they are, in their intellectual space is rare. Deb is our force, our special package of visionary, program executive, strategist and cultural diplomat.”

    Ted Childs, Ted Childs, LLC